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    • For the latest information about power outages and fires, including evacuation orders, visit the Ventura County emergency information website: Members with special needs should make plans before the power goes out. If you use critical medical equipment, be sure to get a backup power source. For wildfire resources, click here. If you need language assistance services, click here.
    • Para obtener la información más reciente sobre cortes de energía e incendios, incluidas las órdenes de evacuación, visite el sitio web de información de emergencia del condado de Ventura: Los miembros con necesidades especiales deben hacer planes antes de que se vaya la electricidad. Si utiliza equipos médicos esenciales, asegúrese de obtener una fuente de energía de respaldo. Para obtener recursos sobre incendios forestales, haga clic aquí. Si necesita servicios de asistencia lingüística, haga clic aqui.

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An illustration of a family cooking dinner together. Text reads: Make family meals more frequent. Learn how. Landing page alt text: An illustration of a family cooking dinner together.

Reap the benefits of family meals

When life is busy, it can be hard for families to make time to eat together. But family meals have benefits that make them worthwhile. For starters, families that regularly eat together tend to enjoy better nutrition, more opportunities for bonding, and a reduced risk of behavioral and weight problems for the kids.

Want to make family meals more frequent and enjoyable at your home? Scroll on for ideas.

Set a realistic goal

You may not be able to get everyone together for a meal every night, and that's OK. Try to commit to at least one family meal per week to start. Once you've got that down, you can build from there. The idea is to enjoy this good-for-the-family tradition as often as you can.

Schedule a regular time for meals

Make sure everyone knows when to be home for dinner. It may be easier for them to work dinner into their schedules if your family meals happen at a regular time each day.

Plan ahead

With your family's input, spend a little time on the weekends planning a menu for the week. Planning can help you keep the meal choices healthy and dinnertime less stressful. On nights when you're not so busy, cook a double batch of your meal and freeze half to use later in the week.

Let the little ones help

Kids of all ages can help make dinnertime happen. Younger kids can set the table, fill water glasses or toss a salad. It helps make meal prep easier for you, and it shows your children that family meals are important.

Tune in to each other

When you gather for a meal, try not to let anything take away from your time together as a family. Avoid distractions, like having a TV on or cellphones at the table. Try asking everyone about their day. Make these special moments fun and positive by enjoying the food and each other.

End the food fight

Getting kids to eat fruits and veggies can be tricky. These tips (and patience on your part) may help.

Serve up these strategies

Reviewed 11/22/2024


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