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    • For the latest information about power outages and fires, including evacuation orders, visit the Ventura County emergency information website: Members with special needs should make plans before the power goes out. If you use critical medical equipment, be sure to get a backup power source. For wildfire resources, click here. If you need language assistance services, click here.
    • Para obtener la información más reciente sobre cortes de energía e incendios, incluidas las órdenes de evacuación, visite el sitio web de información de emergencia del condado de Ventura: Los miembros con necesidades especiales deben hacer planes antes de que se vaya la electricidad. Si utiliza equipos médicos esenciales, asegúrese de obtener una fuente de energía de respaldo. Para obtener recursos sobre incendios forestales, haga clic aquí. Si necesita servicios de asistencia lingüística, haga clic aqui.

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The benefits of quitting start right away. See how your body heals.


Reviewed 10/9/2024

Benefits of quitting smoking: Your health starts improving as soon as you quit smoking

After 20 minutes:

Blood pressure and heart rate drop

After 12 hours:

The balance of carbon monoxide and oxygen in the bloodstream has returned to normal.

After two weeks to three months:

The risk of heart attack decreases, circulation improves and lungs are working better.

After one to nine months:

Respiratory problems such as coughing and shortness of breath have started to decrease. Tiny hairlike structures in the lungs, called cilia, start working again cleaning the lungs and helping prevent infection.

After one year:

Excess risk of heart disease decreases to half of that of a current smoker.

After five years:

Risk of stroke decreases to about the same level as that of a nonsmoker. The risk of cancers of the mouth, throat and esophagus is cut in half.

After 10 years:

The risk of dying from lung cancer declines to about 50 percent of that of a current smoker. The risk of cancers of the cervix, pancreas, bladder, kidney and larynx also declines significantly.

After 15 years:

The risk of heart disease is similar to that of a nonsmoker.



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