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Members / Miembros:

    • For the latest information about power outages and fires, including evacuation orders, visit the Ventura County emergency information website: Para obtener recursos sobre incendios forestales, haga clic aquí.
    • Para obtener la información más reciente sobre cortes de energía e incendios, incluidas las órdenes de evacuación, visite el sitio web de información de emergencia del condado de Ventura: Para obtener recursos sobre incendios forestales, haga clic aquí.

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Non-Specialty Mental Health Services Training

In 2022, the California Legislature passed Senate Bill (SB) 1019 to address the underutilization of covered mental health benefits. The bill focuses on closing gaps in Non-Specialty Mental Health Services (NSMHS), increasing awareness among Members and Primary Care Providers (PCPs), and ensuring that outreach and education for all NSMHS are culturally and linguistically appropriate.

SB 1019 requires Managed Care Plans develop and implement outreach and education plans for Members and PCPs, including updating information regularly on their websites. SB1019 requirements align with the Department of Health Care Services' (DHCS) California Advancing and Innovating Medi-Cal (CalAIM) initiative's "No Wrong Door" policy by enhancing members' understanding of access to covered NSMHS.

Outreach and Education Overview

Starting January 1, 2025, DHCS requires Medi-Cal plans to provide outreach and education to both members and providers about Non-Specialty Mental Health Services.

To learn more, view the Member and Provider Outreach and Education Plan
Click here to view the document in Spanish.

Click here to view the GCHP utilization assessment of provided Non-Specialty Mental Health Services (NSMHS) from 1/1/2023 - 12/31/2023.

Para obtener más información

Review the DHCS All Plan Letter 24-012 detailing the “Non-Specialty Mental Health Services: Member Outreach, Education, and Experience Requirements” here:

APL 24-012